Maria Lombard from Australia was walking to her mailbox when she found something odd on her property. The veterinarian, who had been enjoying her day off, notic...
Healthify your pasta night by swapping in an alternative bean-based pasta and piling on the veggies. Enjoy this new look at pasta primavera!
Bean-Based Pasta
Thirty-three-year-old Rebekah Ceidro never felt like a runner, that is, until she crossed the finish line at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsbu...
What is your intelligence type? According to the quiz below, how you interpret and use colors can indicate what type of intelligence you have. The human brain i...
It's no secret that smoking is deadly. Despite the fact that smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, about 15 in eve...
Unfortunately, we live in a world where the food we eat and the cosmetics we use have the potential to harm our bodies. And guess what? A common metal additive,...
It's happened to everyone. People often believe they see things in the corners of their eyes when they are driving at night. Maybe it's a stray deer, a large pi...
An aura is an egg-shaped, colorful band of sound, light, and vibration. They surround all living things. Some also reference auras as a psychic energy field or...
When something is really bothering you, it's hard to get it off your mind. A fight with a friend, a bad grade on an exam, a rude comment that a co-worker made a...
Most of us know that sugary sodas aren't exactly good for our bodies. But it's just the calories and sugar content that make them harmful, right? Many people be...
Depending on where you live, there are probably a few creatures you're a little weary of seeing around your home. Spiders, snakes, scorpions, lizards... the lis...
If you're still drinking diet soda, you might want to consider breaking the habit. The aspartame in your drink is interfering with your health in a big way. Man...
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