Even if you don't realize it, you are probably getting signals from the body language of those around you. In the same way, your own body language is an importa...
If you're a parent of multiple children, you've probably asked your oldest child to help out every once in a while. Whether it's setting the table, loading the ...
The INFJ (introvert, intuition, feeling, judging) is a rare and confusing breed. Only 1-2% of those who take the MBTI fall into this category, so if you’re one ...
UK mother Hayley Turner was out with her baby boy when she noticed he needed a diaper change. Hayley brought her son Samuel into a public restroom to change him...
Each year, the Environmental Working Group releases a list called the Dirty Dozen. This list contains the 12 fruits and vegetables that contain the most pestici...
They say we eat with our eyes. If so, then this purple cauliflower and parsley pesto is sure to please.
If you’ve never seen or eaten purple cauliflower befo...
Bert Fulks was just like any other parent. He was concerned about his child's teenage years. That's why he created the X Plan.
Bert, a minister, started a bl...
Do you have a hidden nutrient deficiency? It may not be so hidden. Just take a look at your face to find out!
Vitamin deficiencies—more common than you might...
This spring, the luck o’ the Irish will keep your garden safe. If you’re concerned about pesky rabbits, deer and other herbivores munching on your trees and pla...
Being in a relationship with someone who has a guarded heart isn't easy. It takes time for them to trust you and they aren't always willing to say what they're ...
When you hear the word 'soulmate' you probably think of the love of your life. But there are other types of soulmates. A soulmate doesn't have to be romantic in...
Financial success can be extremely difficult to achieve. With student loans, mortgage bills, credit card debt and other bills piling up, many people find themse...
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