Do you need a pick-me-up after a rough day? This video is exactly what the doctor ordered!
A wonderful woman named Candace went to Kohl’s to return some clot...
Anxiety is a very common problem and those who suffer from it are turning to essential oils, including me. Anxiety is constantly there. Any simple change in my ...
Many natural foods, plants and herbs have been used for centuries for their healing abilities. Before modern Western medicine existed, our ancestors relied sole...
A healthy liver that is functioning properly is essential for a healthy body. The liver's primary function is to break down nutrients from the food you eat and ...
It's true what they say — you are the company you keep. The people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or bring you down. Keeping negative people ...
Maybe you're an old soul, or you're falling for someone who is. Old souls tend to live and love a bit differently than others, so it's important to understand a...
As scary as it may be, true intelligence seems somewhat rare today. Those with a real desire to learn, expand their knowledge and push boundaries to become trul...
When Adam was born in northeastern India, his mother took one look at him and said if she had to take him home, she would poison him. Both parents did not want ...
Gout is an incredibly painful attack of burning pain, stiffness and swelling of a joint. It commonly occurs in the feet, specifically the large toe.
What cau...
Buddha taught his followers of rebirth or reincarnation — the belief that a soul is born multiple times into new bodies or new life forms, traveling on an etern...
Many of us struggle with self-worth and rely on what others have to say. This story will change your perspective!
A young man who was down on his luck went to ...
With all of the pesticides, chemicals and additives being put into our food these days, it should be no surprise that a common flavor enhancer has been found to...
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