
Kale: 7 Health Benefits

Kale, often a key component to green smoothies, has gained a lot of popularity over the years, and for a good reason, too! For one thing, it’s more nutrient-den...

Kamut: 8 Benefits & Uses

Kamut (say “ka-moot”) is an ancient grain rich in nutrients and high in energy. Specifically, Kamut is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. While it’s be...

Kelp: 7 Benefits & Uses

Kelp is a superfood loaded with nutrients. It's been a diet staple in Asian cultures for centuries thanks to its mayn health benefits. While the thought of eati...

Jicama: 7 Benefits & Uses

Jicama, also known as yambean, is a bulbous root vegetable. Some have compared its consistency to a mixture of an apple and a turnip. Its origins are the Mexica...


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