Your gut instinct as a parent might be to constantly hover over your child in order to protect them from anything bad that could potentially happen. But being a...
In his book, "What Makes Love Last," research psychologist and relationship expert John Gottman explains that trust and commitment are the two most valuable sec...
Technically, no one is perfect. But there just might be someone out there who is perfect for you. When you find your perfect match, things fall into place. But ...
Many people tend to gain weight as they age, but aging alone isn't to blame. While aging does cause your metabolism to slow down, the weight often piles on beca...
If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sick or constantly tired, you might be in need of a serious detox. Life can get busy, but it's important to make your h...
Everyone has a unique personality. After all, we're one of a kind! But those unique people with a genuine personality have a way of attracting others. They are ...
Are you up for a challenge? Take the tricky quiz below, which only creative geniuses are said to be able to pass. The quiz will present you with various puzzles...
Up your avocado game with avocado sweet potato toast. These tasty, savory bites make a great (and insta-worthy) party appetizer.
Avocado Sweet Potato Toast Be...
You may have a family member who has passed down stories about the Great Depression over the years. People who lived through the Depression found ways to adapt,...
If you're a parent, you've probably been there a few times: standing in the middle of a grocery store, at a public park, or at a friend's house while your child...
It's no secret that the colors to which you are drawn can say a lot about your personality. People who like green are said to be peaceful, and those who prefer ...
A psychopath can be almost impossible to spot. They often appear incredibly charismatic on the outside, because they are masters of manipulation. They put on a ...
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