Raising children can be tough, especially for first time parents. But even for the seasoned, things often change a little when the first girl comes along. Somet...
It often feels like there's a gap between the school system and the real world. While the knowledge we gain from schooling is great, the world is constantly cha...
Whether you're aware of it or not, palm oil is one of the world's most popular vegetable oils. Although it's fairly cheap, it comes at a much larger cost to the...
From horoscopes to cute memes and videos on the Internet, there's no shortage of information available interpreting various Zodiac signs and what they mean... t...
Confucius is known as one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. He was born in 551 B.C., and throughout his life, his works – which have been preserved i...
In the materialistic world we live in, raising children who aren't constantly saying, "I want that" can be a challenge. Television and magazine ads are constant...
While eating a nutritious diet, exercising and drinking plenty of water are typically universal ways to stay healthy and fit, each and every culture has a few o...
We'd all like to live life with no regrets, and some have truly mastered that mantra. But for most, certain people and experiences slip through our fingers from...
Truly interesting people are a pleasure to come by. They are curious, outgoing, and they seem to have a special magnetism that draws you in. They are full of ca...
Lots of jobs are hard. But parenting might just be the hardest. Despite all of the books, pamphlets and research that parents can delve into before their child ...
Star children are divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. If you are a star child, regardless of which category you fall into, star children...
Buddha taught his followers of rebirth or reincarnation — the belief that a soul is born multiple times into new bodies or new life forms, traveling on an etern...