Food additives are horrible for your body. There's really no question about it. Even foods with GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) may contribute to chr...
Fish taco, cod canal, tuna town... should I go on? Boys can be mean.
First, let's get this out of the way: Your vagina is supposed to have a smell, despite w...
Sure, you've heard people say (over and over again) that they're going to quit smoking. In fact, it may surprise you that you need to quit sugar for many of the...
Pooh is not impressed.
Food Safety News tested honey sold in U.S. grocery stores and found that, alarmingly, over 75% of that honey has been filtered of the ...
The first thing that popped into your head when you read "When should you eat a banana?" was probably 'When it's ripe, of course!'
And you'd be right, at lea...
Unfortunately, the world we live in is full of toxins. Indoor and outdoor air pollution, first or second hand smoke, pesticides, and artificial food products al...
Heart disease or heart attacks account for 25% of deaths in the United States. That means that if a person has at least four friends, one of them will die from ...
Receding gums can be quite alarming. Not only are they painful, they can also lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum line, allowing the build up o...
What does compassion for animals have to do with your health? Great question!
For one thing, everybody knows being around animals can make you happy. I mean,...
It is estimated that about 4 million people in the US alone experience frequent constipation. Yes, I know this isn't the best topic. But if you're constipated o...
Mattresses are probably the most difficult thing to clean in any home. They are big, cumbersome, and surrounded by furniture we really don’t want to move. They ...
Most of us have never heard of curry leaves. Curry on rice? Yes! Curry leaves, no. Their scientific name is murraya koenigii, and they are packed full of health...