You are walking through the store with the 4-year-old, and it begins to start. He wants some artificially colored, processed, high fructose syrup snack that is ...
Over 18 million Americans have some form of gluten intolerance. Unfortunately, many people don't even realize they're sensitive to gluten-containing foods. Whil...
All around the world, something strange is happening to eggs. They are not being refrigerated. That’s right. Including America, the only places that commonly re...
The skin is an organ and just like every other organ in the body, it needs to be taken care of, eating right and wearing sun protection are two good ways to tak...
I first used essential oils after my sister’s puppy jumped up on my son. We had told him to turn away from her when she did this, and the result was three long ...
Why is it Americans can't seem to stop eating? And what is it doing to our health overall?
It is no secret that Americans are some of the most obese people on ...
Are you bothered with moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts? It is common to develop skin problems at any point in your life due to changes in your ...
It is almost instinctual for us to head to the doctor’s office to get a prescription when faced with an infection or other illness. However, the antibiotics of...
By Gillian B
Did you know that chewing gum is one of the most toxic products available in stores? It’s is LOADED with chemicals such as aspartame (artificial...
We all have our insecurities and for some women, the shape of our breasts is one of them. While appearance is a large part of that desire for 'perfect' breasts,...
Detoxification is a necessary process to promote full body health. In fact, it's so important, your body does it naturally all day long! Unfortunately, this is ...
This Jewel of the Tropics, the coconut palm tree, is known as "the tree that gives all that is necessary for living." And the coconut oil from these trees is no...