Looking for a way to fight fatigue and boost energy with little effort every day? Well, the answer may just be at the end of your fork.
Let’s face it. Life i...
If you’re a mom, you’ve been there...
It’s your first outing in weeks. You’ve been sleep deprived and isolated from the world for months. You haven’t taken a...
Losing anyone who is a big part of your life can be completely devastating. Whether you saw it coming or not, it's difficult to find a way to move on. While eve...
One day, in 2015, Priscilla Morse of Tennessee logged into Facebook.
That day would change not only her life forever, but also the life of a dying boy who li...
Emotional manipulators are skilled at their trade. Their every move is calculated, aimed at controlling you into doing or thinking whatever they want. If you're...
In a bad mood? Join most of humanity! Each day presents new challenges to your state of mind, but you can beat that bad mood with these 5 simple tools.
Bad m...
From the outside looking in, it's often much easier to recognize a toxic relationship. Your family and friends may notice the pain your partner is causing you l...
The next time your daughter complains that you nag too much, tell her 'mother knows best!'
Though arguing with your teenage daughter can result in a door sla...
Cesia Abigail, 20-something owner of Abi’s Café in Minneapolis, Minnesota, came face-to-face with a homeless man in March 2016. Having wandered into the café, t...
We all know beer isn't the best beverage to drink. But if you aren't a big beer drinker, you might be surprised to learn that there are plenty of other uses for...
If you have a hard time understanding what the opposite sex is thinking, you're not alone. Men and women think differently! Brain scan studies have shown that w...
We've all been there. You reach a point in a relationship where you're considering ending things, but you're just not sure. Maybe the feelings aren't as strong ...