Do you wonder about the connection between your wellbeing and the rhythms of the world? Then join David 'Avocado' Wolfe and Friends at the 3rd Annual Geophilia ...
Really, anytime of the year is a great time to travel. But if it's been a while, you may be wondering what to pack to stay healthy. Are you traveling soon? Then...
Yes, you need to be aware. Whether or not you're an outdoorsy type of person, learning about the common plants around you can prove extremely important. Hiking,...
With all the excitement that comes along with a family vacation, we often forget to worry about something pretty important - the food in the refrigerator. The l...
If you've ever traveled by plane, you know the airport security process. Your ID, tickets and bags are thoroughly checked. And so are you. We've been told that ...
Picture this: you've got your car window rolled down, the wind in your hair and the sense of endless possibilities. Your favorite song is on the radio and you c...
I had the distinct honor of hosting, speaking onstage with, and getting some interview time with Wim Hof in October 2016. Wim Hof “The Iceman” holds a startling...
Imagine a continuous road trip that takes you through every single state in the U.S.
Through the use of a complex algorithm (the same one he used to find Wal...
Many people dread the aging process. Turning 40 and seeing all of those "over the hill" birthday cards is enough to make 40-somethings want to hide out. But agi...
There's something quirky and fun about tiny houses. Many people enjoy living in them. But for those of us who prefer more of a temporary escape, there's a growi...
Not only is hiking a great workout and a fun way to spend time outdoors, researchers are now saying it can actually have so much of an impact that it causes cha...
If you know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer of any kind, you know how big of a toll it takes, on not only the person diagnosed, but on their family m...