There is a house in Pasadena, California, that's known as the Urban Homestead. From the street, you might be confused as to why it's earned such a name or why i...
You probably already know that spending time in nature is great for your health and well-being. Getting some fresh air and relaxing to the sounds of birds chirp...
Talk about learning something new!
We have all probably seen, held, or owned our very own sand dollar at one point in our lives. They are commonly sought-aft...
The liver is the largest solid organ in the body, and it can be damaged and negatively affected by poor diet and lifestyle choices. If you aren't properly takin...
A plant that you've probably never heard about may just be the most nutritious tree on the planet. Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been praised for its hea...
The use of antibiotics has become routine for many Americans. Take one pill for this, two pills for that... Drugs are the go-to fix for many illnesses, but what...
We've sung the praises of lemon water in the past, and for good reason – a single lemon can provide 64% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake. Lemons also ...
According to a study published in The Independent, researchers found that women who avoid sunbathing during the summer are twice as likely to die as those who s...
While mosquito repellent may seem like the obvious go-to for protecting yourself from itchy bites this summer, some sprays on the market contain toxic chemicals...
A traditional food that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being has recently been studied by scientists for its usefulness in preventing or...
Basil has round, often pointed leaves that look similar to peppermint. This herb is highly fragrant, and its leaves are often used to add seasoning to different...
There are so many awesome superfoods out there. And you always feel great, too, when you opt for a healthy superfood rather than something processed and loaded ...