For centuries, humans have been using flaxseed oil to unlock a wide range of health benefits. Yes, flax seeds boast many nutrients, including fiber, protein, an...
Olive oil provides a whole host of incredible health benefits, thanks in large part to the healthy monounsaturated fats it contains. But did you know that not a...
Carbon 60 is beginning to take the supplement world by storm, finding its way into blends purported to do everything from increase lifespan to prevent arthritis...
It’s likely that you have heard the expression “money doesn’t grow on trees.” Well, in the case of soap, you’d be dead wrong! Say hello to the Indian Soapnut. O...
An Internet search on google for David Avocado Wolfe will quickly yield a hit-piece article on me entitled “David Avocado Wolfe is the Biggest Asshole in the Mu...
Would you gnaw on a piece of charred wood? Well, probably not if it's said that way. But charcoal contains a compound known as C60, and C60 health benefits are ...
Looking for a fantastic anti-dandruff shampoo? Of course you are! After all, who wants to deal with an itchy, flaky scalp? Dandruff can be a nightmare to handle...
Oolong tea is brewed from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, like green tea and black tea. Green tea is unfermented, while black tea is fully fermented....
Bentonite clay is excellent for detoxing heavy metals from your body. It also provides a wealth of other benefits. Bentonite clay, also known as Montmorillonite...
Researchers now believe there might be a link between anxiety and Alzheimer's Disease.
Brigham and Women's Hospital issued a press release citing findings by T...
Your tap water is poisoned---it's a statement that immediately conjures up images of conspiracy and tin foil, but this time, the allegation is coming from a cre...
Yes, you read that right. Oregon sued Monsanto for $100 Million due to toxic and unsafe products. And so did everyone else! The Oregon lawsuit against Monsanto ...