For more than two decades, health experts have been musing over the epic power of two of mankind's oldest culinary ingredients. What are these 2 ingredients, yo...
Between 2010 and 2015, sales of ADHD medications rose 8% each year. Several health experts attribute this not to a rise in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disor...
For most of recorded history, depression has mystified us. Explanations for the condition have ranged from demonic possession to imbalanced body fluid levels.
Have you been experiencing unexplained anxiety, fatigue, or nausea? Or do you have trouble sleeping? If so, you could be among the 80% of Americans who are magn...
Researchers at Yale have identified a rather unusual source of longevity. It's not a fruit or mystical plant extract. You don't need a prescription to get your ...
Food toxicity is a major problem throughout the world. Even in developed countries, people are ingesting amounts of chemicals that far exceed levels of danger.
Your thyroid is responsible for producing just three hormones, but two of them - T3 and T4 - act on most of your cells and power your metabolism. So if you have...
At first glance, you might not see much of a connection between fries and antifreeze. Do a little research, though, and you'll discover a common ingredient betw...
In the 1600s, renowned philosopher René Descartes referred to the pineal gland as 'the principal seat of the soul.' That sentiment is very much alive today; res...
It turns out horses are a lot more intelligent and self-aware than we previously thought.
After just two weeks spent interacting with researchers, a group o...
The first handheld device I received as a child was my dad's old PalmPilot. It had a black and white, pixelated screen and ran on AA batteries. Wireless interne...
For centuries, humans have been studying the connection between color and the mind. As it turns out, that connection is pretty deep. Color affects everything fr...