If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it really make a sound? Metaphysics aside, yes, of course the tree creates sound waves when it falls. The same can be said about EMFs. Electromagnetic Fields are invisible. Even though you can’t see them, they, of course, create their own kind of waves.

Can we feel them? More importantly, do they cause harm?

I think we’ve gone past the “no way” phase of this debate. EMFs do cause harm. The questions now are “How much?” and “What can we do about it?”

First, what are EMFs?

EMFs, short for electromagnetic fields, are invisible radiation waves. Electricity creates an electric field, of course. However, when electricity is put in motion – as when it moves through a wire from an outlet to a lightbulb – that movement also creates a magnetic field. So an electromagnetic field occurs when electricity is put in motion in a specific direction. (1)

EMFsThe electromagnetic field can be stronger or weaker, depending on the electrical current. Winding a wire closely around an object creates a more powerful magnetic field than letting the electrical current move in a straight line.

We have lived for eons within an electromagnetic field. It’s a natural part of life on Earth. The communications network, though, intensifies our exposure to unnatural levels.

As waves move away from the source, they radiate out. Just like heat from a radiator! And just like heat dissipates as it moves away from the radiator, so, too, an electromagnetic field becomes weaker the farther out you go. (2)

Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation

EMFs radiation panel

EMFs are further broken down into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation falls low on the spectrum and includes x-rays and UV rays from the sun. Non-ionizing radiation is supposedly a “safer” form. Cell phones and microwaves fall into this category. Non-ionizing radiation, also called radio frequency radiation (RFR), falls high on the light spectrum. (3)

Most people already understand that ionizing radiation causes harm. Too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Your dental hygienist covers you in a lead blanket and leaves the room when taking x-rays of your teeth to protect you and her from harmful ionizing radiation. (4, 5)

Yet the story on non-ionizing radiation isn’t so clear cut. In fact, the wireless technology we rely on every day contributes to an ocean of radiation. Baby monitors, microwaves, and Wi-Fi routers create waves of electromagnetic radiation. Cell phones are easy to point to, also, because just about everyone in the developed world has one.

EMFs cell phones

So the National Toxicology Program, under direction from the FDA, published its findings in 2018 from a study on cell phone radiation. At the time, they studied 2G and 3G. The report concluded that cell phone emissions do cause DNA damage, which can lead to cancer. (6)

Note: The FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) called for the study. Not the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

In 2020, though, the FCC refused to review its 25 year old safety data on radio frequencies. (7)

Then in January 2024, they decided against further studies. Apparently, it’s too technologically challenging – which means it’s hard to investigate, not that there’s no need. (8)

Unfortunately, we now have more non-ionizing radiation pointing to the earth. With the constellation of Space X satellites and 5G technology, we’re swimming in EMFs. (9)

How do EMFs cause harm?

EMFs cell tower

Well, this is the area of debate. Although plenty of research exists to support the fact that EMFs do cause harm, people want to believe that a little bit isn’t a problem. (10, 11)

And for some people, small exposures to EMFs over time really don’t create a noticeable problem. That is, with the same amount of exposure, one person may continue to sleep well, be clear-headed, and enjoy good overall health.

Another person, though, may have problems in all those areas – all caused by EMFs. And there’s no way to tell. (12)

o-DEPRESSION-facebook EMFs

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, has classified radio frequency radiation as possibly carcinogenic to humans. (13)

What aren’t we seeing?

When these frequencies pass through your body’s cells, they begin a cascade of reactions.

EMFs cellular phone tower

In 2021, the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine published a review of studies on the genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. The researcher concluded that EMFs clearly cause harm, from DNA damage to a change in gene expression (think epigenetics). Though how that happens is unclear. (14)

Not to get too much into the weeds, but several books have been written on the damaging effects of EMFs. One possible mechanism may be something called peroxynitrite. Although it’s an important and often beneficial product of metabolism, well, when you get too much, you get problems. This oxidative stress leads to cell damage and inflammation. (15)

Pro Tip: Antioxidants protect against oxidative stress!

What causes too much peroxynitrite? Non-ionizing radiation. EMFs. As the invisible frequency passes through cells, it weakens their membranes, leading to chemical reactions and the production of peroxynitrite. These reactions can kill or damage cells. And damaged cells lead to problems. (15, 16)

The Effects of EMFs

Remember, we can’t see, hear, or feel these waves. Yet energy levels start to fall as our cells feel the force of electromagnetic fields. When your cells can’t produce energy, they can’t repair. And when EMFs create oxidative stress, then you’ll have inflammation. And that spells trouble, sooner or later. (17)

1. Mental Health

anxiety EMFs mental health

Sleeping OK? If the answer’s No, then you may want to look into your WiFi. Studies have shown that EMF radiation can impact your body’s ability to produce melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone needed for restful sleep, governs your circadian rhythm. (18)

But you don’t need sleep deprivation to start feeling anxious or depressed. EMFs may lead to mood changes by affecting the central nervous system. Even the delicate balance of your microbiome gets out of whack, leading to anxiety via the gut-brain connection. (19)

2. Immune System

As noted, exposure to man-made electromagnetic radiation creates oxidative stress and inflammation. These alone are enough to keep the body busy repairing damage. However, the radiation also damages cells. Specifically, cells don’t divide properly, they don’t “differentiate” and they can’t repair. All these factors influence the immune system and make fighting infection that much harder. (20)

3. Cancer


In February 2022, President Joe Biden “reignited” his Cancer Moonshot initiative aimed at reducing the cancer death rate by at least 50% over the next 25 years. (21)

Yet no pharmaceutical intervention will ever be effective until we recognize and remove the environmental insults leading to DNA damage and cancer in the first place.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes.

As early as 2016, researchers called for another look at the link between EMFs and cancer. (22)

Then years later, a June 2024 study appearing in the journal Environmental Research demonstrated that cell phone radiation kills cheek cells in the short term and, down the road, is linked to a 60% increase in cancer risk. (23)

In his analysis, Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses the damage not just to your DNA but also to your mitochondria, the energy producers of the body. With low levels of radiation, your body can repair much of the damage, but over time your system just gets overwhelmed. (24)

DNA damage causes cancer. There’s little question of that. (25)

Feeling Fine?

EMFs cell tower

So should you keep standing in front of the microwave, hold your cell phone to your ear, sleep next to a charging phone or laptop?

Even if you don’t feel any problems, they are there – even minutely. If you’re having problems sleeping, thinking, or exercising, you may want to consider EMFs as a potential problem.

And then look for solutions.

What can you do to protect yourself from EMFs?

As with other environmental toxins, the best way to protect yourself from the harms of electromagnetic radiation is to limit your exposure.

  • Unplug your laptop while you’re using it.
  • Use a phone holder (similar to a tripod) to handle your cell phone. Better yet, use a landline when you’re home or at work.
  • Plug in all electronics! For example, use a cable to plug directly into your Internet. (24)
  • Connect to the Earth. That’s the most important connection you can make. Grounding will help dissipate the harmful frequencies of EMFs.
  • Explore technologies that reduce the radiation in and around your home and bring joy at the same time.
  • Look into EMF blocking tech, like Faraday bags.

Going wireless and using Bluetooth is so commonplace these days. But just because “everybody’s doing it” doesn’t mean it’s safe.

EMFs rotary phone

No one wants to be that guy who’s worried about the optics of ditching the convenience of wireless. When you do, though, you may lift out of an electromagnetic fog.

Still feeling the effects?

The next step is protection. Even if you fall into the “I feel fine” camp, the invisible radiation is affecting your mitochondria. Beginning with the above steps will simply slow down the damaging effects, but it won’t eliminate them fully. (25)

This is where other strategies come in handy.

1. Turn It Off

The best way to protect yourself from EFMs is simply to turn it off – whatever it is. All electronics create an electromagnetic wave. Do you feel better when you spend time in Nature? No man-made electricity!

2. Shield What You Can

Several companies have done their research to provide quality EMF protection for you, your electronics, or your home. Be careful, though, because not all companies have the best intentions married to the highest quality. That’s why the David Wolfe Team prefers Advanced Tachyon Technologies and Blushield. They offer a variety of products with wide-ranging benefits.

3. Hard-Wire The Rest

What you can, hard wire. That means plugging things in directly to the source, not allowing wireless technology to run your internet of things. Do you have a “smart” appliance? No one said you have to connect the thing online!

It’s more than a two-week vacation. It’s a lifestyle. Cut off the electronics. Connect with Nature. Thrive.