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7 Health Benefits Of Walnuts

Have you underestimated that health benefits of walnuts? In fact, the walnut is one of the healthiest nuts around. For one thing, compared to all other nuts,...

Wakame: 10 Benefits & Uses

Like other sea vegetables, wakame is packed with vitamins and minerals. It's often used to make miso soup and seaweed salads. Wakame contains Vitamin A, Vitamin...

6 Benefits Of Ugli Fruit

When it comes to ugli fruit, it really is what's on the inside that counts. The fruit may not look very appetizing, but it's packed with nutrients that help str...
grapefruit skinny smoothie FI

Grapefruit Skinny Smoothie

Enjoy this sweet and creamy Grapefruit Skinny Smoothie if you want to be filled up for hours and hours. It’s dairy-free, full of fruit, and has a pinch of cinna...

7 Tempeh Benefits & Uses

Originating in Indonesia, tempeh is now growing in popularity in the Unites States. Tempeh is a soybean that undergoes a natural fermentation product. It's pack...