You may have heard your grandparents suggest prune juice for digestive problems. While it does work as a natural constipation remedy, that's not all it's good f...
Pumpkin seed oil is loaded with healthy fats and antioxidants. It also contains a healthy dose of protein, fiber, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus a...
Portobello mushrooms are an easy find in your local grocery store. While mushrooms are consumed all over the world, Portobello mushrooms, in particular, boast ...
Pomegranate seeds are the small, ruby-colored seeds that are both tart and sweet. Not only are they delicious, they boast many health benefits, too. For example...
There have been over 600 scientific studies that have covered the amazing medicinal power of black seed oil. From fighting cancer to wiping out infections, this...
Poblano peppers are a green, spicy pepper loaded with antioxidants. When it comes to heat, the poblano pepper is somewhere in between the banana pepper and the ...
Plums are a close relative to both cherries and peaches, ranging in taste from sweet to tart. The juicy fruit is loaded with antioxidants that give the immune s...
Pine nuts, a common ingredient in pesto sauces, has been cultivated for over 10,000 years. They’re found almost anywhere in the world, however, only 18 species ...
Pau d’arco tea comes from the bark and wood of an evergreen tree of the same name. The bark and wood are used externally and internally for a variety of medical...
Phytoplankton are single-celled aquatic organisms. Like spirulina and chlorella, phytoplankton is a micro-algae, but it's found in both saltwater and freshwater...
Pecans are a sweet and crunchy treat with an impressive nutritional profile. Pecan nutrition includes manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and potassium, amon...
Since the dawn of time, people have been using astrology as a means of finding purpose and guidance in their lives.
Even today, with the many technological adv...