Epidermoid cysts are small, painless lumps that grow underneath the skin. They're often confused with sebaceous cysts, which are rare and affect the skin's oil ...
Do you remember your high school biology? The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. But instead of toting around oxygen, like blood, the lymph flu...
Let's face it. Heavy drinking is little more than a socially acceptable form of suicide. And alcohol consumption is on the rise.
As a society, we know alcoho...
Cinnamon is one of the most powerful spices on the planet. It can prevent inflammation and heart disease while lowering blood-sugar levels and fighting infectio...
Food toxicity is a major problem throughout the world. Even in developed countries, people are ingesting amounts of chemicals that far exceed levels of danger.
Coconut oil is already well known for its amazing nutritional and beauty-enhancing properties. The saturated fats found in coconut oil can be excellent for the ...
The first handheld device I received as a child was my dad's old PalmPilot. It had a black and white, pixelated screen and ran on AA batteries. Wireless interne...
More people die of Alzheimer's in the West than anywhere else. It's not even a contest; Europe and the Americas dominate those stats. According to experts, that...
Commercial toothpaste is filled with a whole host of harmful compounds. Don't believe me? Just read on to learn what industrial products the stuff can replace. ...
How weird would it be if you could think yourself to poor health? Oh wait; that's actually a thing. It's called the 'nocebo effect.'
"We have long known that...
Slowly and painfully. That's how sleep deprivation kills you. The worst part? You don't even need to miss out on that much sleep to be considered deprived. 6 ho...
Hey. We need to talk. It's about your gummy snack problem. I get it; I've been there. I know how those juicy bears and worms conjure up memories of childhood. B...