There is a cannabis oil recipe that is being used as treatment for many different forms of cancer. This recipe comes from Rick Simpson himself.
Rick Simpson ...
The dangerous artificial sweetener, aspartame, used commonly under the label NutraSweet is now being re-branded as AminoSweet. Watch out! This sweetener has an ...
Are you bothered with moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts? It is common to develop skin problems at any point in your life due to changes in your ...
America is a nation of pill poppers. Opioids are the drug of choice, serving as a synthetic form of opium or morphine. Some of the leading brands, such as Vicod...
Over the last 40 years, I have experienced various dietary lifestyles, including being a junk foodist, an ethical omnivore, a vegetarian then a vegan, next a ra...
Chocolate and cannabis are so wonderful that even the mention of both in a sentence is enough to make one giggle. Scientific proof is mounting that both chocola...
The Scientific Secrets of Chocolate and Cannabis: How and Why Chocolate and Cannabis are Medicines
and How and Why Chocolate Increases the Effects of Cannabino...