Yes, you need to be aware. Whether or not you're an outdoorsy type of person, learning about the common plants around you can prove extremely important. Hiking,...
Whole foods offer the building blocks to help you fight fatigue and stress. But several powerful superfoods take it to the next level. Simply, superfoods are wh...
Goji berries are one of the healthiest antioxidant foods available. However, the fact that goji berries boast some amazing health benefits isn't exactly a new d...
If you've ever had an icky feeling about your kitchen sponge, you had good reason to. It turns out that cleaning your sponge doesn't significantly reduce the am...
When your hormones are perfectly balanced, your body works just as it should. But when your hormone levels are off, things can go a little haywire. Estrogen, kn...
If you added up all of the money you've spent on skin care products in the past five years, what do you think your total would be? Many of us spend hundreds on ...
Do your legs, ankles or feet ever feel puffy or swollen? Unfortunately, water retention is a pretty common condition. Even so, it can be frustrating. These four...
When you think of an out-of-body experience, you might think of something paranormal or even spiritual in nature. The phenomenon typically involves a feeling of...
When you fall asleep, your brain causes your muscles to relax and be still. In someone who suffers from sleep paralysis, this sensation occurs while the person ...
Brain fog often has a way of sneaking up on you. As hard as you try to concentrate, your brain just can't seem to focus on the task at hand. What causes this? W...
According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time. It's considered the single leading cause ...
You probably know someone who wears their heart on their sleeve. If they're happy, you can tell. If they're sad or upset, you can definitely tell. Some people a...