We all struggle with stress at some point or another, some more than others. It may stem from an important project at work, relationship issues, financial troub...
Parsley is an herb that originated in the Mediterranean region of Southern Italy, and Algeria and Tunisia. It's been used for centuries as both a medicinal plan...
Ever heard of "No Mow May"? Well, creating an edible lawn puts that idea on autopilot. Having a variety of plants across your yard is good for pollinators, as w...
The body's circulation system is responsible for sending blood, oxygen and nutrients through the body. When blood flow to a specific part of the body is reduced...
Do you start your day with a glass of water? No? You should. But you'll make even more magic happen if you replace that plain water with warm turmeric water.
Cell phone use got you down? Well, you may be feeling down because you're looking down. Cell phone use -- "tech neck" -- really does affect your spine and body!...
Pain in the spine, legs or joints can make your daily routine much more difficult and uncomfortable. Research has shown that chronic pain, often in the form of ...
Did you know that women use birth control pills for more than preventing pregnancy? In fact, your gynecologists also often prescribe "the pill" for acne, irregu...
Feeling bloated can definitely put a damper on your day. It makes finding something to wear more difficult, lowers your self-esteem and leaves you feeling uncom...
Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, with some forming tumors or spreading to nearby tissues. With over 200 known types of cancer, possible treat...
Moles are common growths on the skin that are usually brown or black in color. They can appear anywhere on the skin, either alone or in groups. Most appear in e...
Experiencing pain or other symptoms without knowing the cause can be frustrating. A herniated disc is something that many people overlook. The spinal column is ...