Destroyer of weakness. Rejuvenator. Conqueror of mountains. Who wouldn't want shilajit in the cupboard or medicine cabinet, when it goes by names like these? Th...
Gastric cancer. The words would make anyone's tummy do a flip. And for good reason. Stomach cancer is on the rise. Why? Studies show that taking acid blockers a...
Despite all of the pills, liquids and tongue strips filling pharmacy shelves, nature has given us the best medicine. Many medicinal plants can be grown right in...
As of this writing, over 6,000 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies have examined turmeric. In fact, researchers have been studying this powerful spic...
According to a recent study, people who suffer from arthritis are at a greater risk of heart disease and stroke if they take ibuprofen to relieve their pain. Th...
With all of the stress we deal with from day to day and the constant flow of information to our brains, sometimes our minds could use a little boost. When it co...
OK, so what does a bacteria found in the guts of silkworms have to do with your varicose veins? Well, I'm here to tell you that one powerful enzyme, serrapeptas...
Is it possible to reduce cholesterol without having to take dangerous statins? Yes, of course! Yet despite the side effects of dangerous statins, millions of Am...
According to research published in The New England Journal of Medicine, a substance found in marijuana plants was found to reduce the number of convulsive seizu...
A new study reveals that the key to reversing autism symptoms may lie in a drug that was discovered more than a century ago. Dr. Robert Naviaux of the San Diego...
Alcohol addiction is very real and very scary, especially if you've been personally affected by it. Many addicts who seek out help end up relapsing. According t...
After having a baby, 24-year-old Cassandra Campbell started a new career working alongside her dad as a tattoo artist in Michigan. Around the time that she star...