Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Or are you being consumed by negative thoughts? These feelings are often part of the roller coaster of life for many people. Bu...
If you're not familiar with "The Law of Attraction," it's that concept that you attract the same energy you put out into the world. If you are constantly thinki...
Mornings, or whatever time of day you get out of bed, set the tone for the day. Most mornings ooze chaos, and so it is from dawn and well past dusk. Amid kids, ...
In a bad mood? Join most of humanity! Each day presents new challenges to your state of mind, but you can beat that bad mood with these 5 simple tools.
Bad m...
It's no secret that lack of sleep will leave you feeling tired, drained, and irritable. But if you're constantly exhausted yet you're getting plenty of sleep, t...
With all of life's unexpected twists and turns, it's often difficult to stay positive. Negative thoughts have a sneaky way of creeping in and ruining our day. T...
As much as we'd like to truly live life with no regrets, most of us end up looking back on a few certain situations with "what if's" stuck in our heads. What if...
If you're unfamiliar with the term "higher self," it refers to the real you. Your higher self is you, in a state of total consciousness. Those who adhere to the...
While plants are commonly used to decorate a home or office, or brighten up a yard or garden, many plants can actually improve the flow of positive energy into ...
Star children are divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. If you are a star child, regardless of which category you fall into, star children...
Serotonin is a chemical that helps to relay signals from one area of the brain to another, acting as a neurotransmitter. It influences a variety of psychologica...
It's true what they say — you are the company you keep. The people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or bring you down. Keeping negative people ...