Is there one eating habit that can reduce your risk of heart failure? Yes! In fact, a new study has found that eating a vegetarian diet decreases the risk of he...
Why would anyone want to stop eating meat?
It's a good question, and more and more people are asking it these days. On the other hand, you may wonder what al...
When winter fades in the rearview mirror and spring is on the horizon, our focus should turn to detoxification. What does tomato soup have to do with a spring d...
What's Wrong With Potato Chips?
By Gillian B
Have you ever heard of acrylamide? If not, keep reading.
According to the European Food Safety Authority, an...
By Gillian B
I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t like guacamole. It really is the perfect dish to bring to a party or serve as an appetizer. Not only is i...
By: Gillian B
This recipe is perfect for summer! A few years ago, I got together with some of my best girlfriends and made this recipe video featuring one of...
By Gillian B
Who doesn't love a little almond butter? If you are like me and like to have it around as a snack or treat, you know it's an expensive habit!
By Gillian B
Whether you are a long-time vegan or you are new to the scene, we could all use a little dinner inspiration from time to time! I wanted to colle...
By: Gillian B
As a health nut, I am dedicated to eating next-level food everyday for life! That being said, I do like to treat myself once and a while, and w...
By Gillian B
This is a totally delicious snack that is perfect for parties, especially when served with my dehydrator crackers! This recipe is a nice alterna...
I LOVE ghee! It is the ultimate delight for vegetarians and those with dairy intolerances. But there are many other benefits of ghee. Here's what you need to kn...
Do you want to make healthiest changes you can to improve your quality of life? Well, adding in fermented foods may be the best first step, and water kefir make...